What Instagram user hasn’t dreamt about it? You wake up one morning, after a good night’s sleep, you go to your computer, turn it on open Instagram and – surprise! Your followers have tripled since last night! It may look like you’re still dreaming – one wishes dreams were always so good – but it’s definitely true. And you can’t help but ask yourself: “How has this happened?”
Well, what’s probably happened is that, the night before, you discovered IIGERS.com. But what’s IIGERS? We’re a company devoted to making Instagram users’ experiences better. We want them to enjoy the network at its best, not letting an initial lack of followers disappoint or discourage them. There’s a solution!
While you wait for the followers to arrive – which will come, sooner or later – you may want to try and buy Instagram followers. We know, we know – isn’t this what every follower site says, then they offer me bots to fill my Instagram with faceless and picture-less accounts? Not at all.

What makes us different from the start is that we employ real people. We want users to have the best possible experience, so we offer the best possible content. Whether you decide to buy followers, buy comments or buy likes, you can be sure that you’re getting what you paid for. The followers you’ll get will have real profiles, with their picsand vids. The likes you get will be traceable, so that you don’t end up with @Like_Robot132 liking all of your stuff. The comments will have relevant information about the Instagram picture you tell us to comment. You can post a picture of a birthday cake – you won’t see comments such as “What a beautiful landscape!”
At IIGERS we’re focused on users. Let us know what you think about the service in the comment section. And go for those followers! You deserve them.