Instagram is Getting More and More Real. Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media out there, having been a success marker almost since it was created in 2010. At first, no celebrity would use it – Facebook was the king of social media, and up to a certain point it’s starting to lose that absolute power it used to have – but from 2012 on we saw more and more famous people turn to it in order to be in contact with their fans.
Then it was artists’ turn. Painters, photographers, sculptors, writers and actors started uploading their creations onto Instagram. No matter if you were a local Shakespearean actor or Brad Pitt himself, if you were an actor you’d have an Instagram account in order to be known.
The problem came when it became more difficult to stand out on Instagram. With so many new profiles every day, users had a wider range of people to follow and, in order to make your follower count go up, you had to post spotlessly, put much care in every single thing you did – and hope no celebrity had done anything cooler than you in the meantime.
What can I do to grow bigger on Instagram?
However, there was, and there is, a way to still get popular on Instagram without having to worry about uploading new content every day after having devoted hours and hours to it. On you can make your Instagram popularity go up without having to spend hours and hours thinking every move you make. You’ll be able to get followers, likes and comments from real people. Thus, you can make your Instagram the lively place it deserves to be, full of interactions that will do bring more.
From 20 to 80 followers, from 20 to 80 likes, from 5 comments to having each one of your pictures commented for a month by real people! In, we offer Instagram services for Instagram people – because we’re Instagram people.